API for use in Hetu script
Most of the preincluded values' apis are kept the same name as the Dart SDK: num, int, double, bool, String, List, Set and Map
And most of the common apis from Dart are already binded in the script.
For instance, we can use the map api just like in Dart on an Iterable:
final result = range(10).map((value) => 'row: ${value}')
Global functions
external fun print(... args: any)
external fun stringify(obj: any)
external fun jsonify(obj)
external fun range(startOrStop: num, [stop: num, step: num]) -> Iterable
You can use eval method within the script itself to evaluate a string, just like in Javascript:
import 'package:hetu_script/hetu_script.dart';
void main() {
final hetu = Hetu();
final result = hetu.eval(r'''
final meaning = eval("6 * 7")
Hetu have a prototyped based struct object like the literal object syntax in Javascript.
struct Prototype {
/// Create a struct from a dart Json data
/// Usage:
/// ```
/// var obj = Prototype.fromJson(jsonDataFromDart)
/// ```
external static fun fromJson(data) -> {}
/// Get the List of the keys of this struct
external get keys -> List
/// Get the List of the values of this struct
/// The values are copied,
/// you cannot modify the struct in this way
external get values -> List
/// Check if this struct has a key in its own fields.
external fun containsKey(key: str) -> bool
/// Check if this struct has a key
/// in its own fields or its prototypes' fields.
external fun contains(key: str) -> bool
/// Check if this struct is empty.
external get isEmpty -> bool
/// Check if this struct is not empty.
external get isNotEmpty -> bool
/// Get the number of the members of this struct.
/// Will not include the members of its prototypes.
external get length -> int
/// Create a new struct form deepcopying this struct
external fun clone() -> {}
/// Create dart Json data from this struct
fun toJson() -> Map => jsonify(this)
fun toString() -> str => stringify(this)
All struct object can use those pre-defined methods defined on this root prototype:
final obj = { a: 42 }
obj.contains('a') // true
For static methods, you need to explicitly call by the prototype:
final book = Prototype.fromJson(data);
The script provides the binding of Random object in Dart. And there's some original api on it, for example we can easily create random colors.
The script combined the math library into a static class.
external class Random {
construct ([seed: int])
fun nextBool -> bool
fun nextInt(max: int) -> int
fun nextDouble() -> float
fun nextColorHex({hasAlpha: bool = false}) -> str
fun nextBrightColorHex({hasAlpha: bool = false}) -> str
fun nextIterable(list: Iterable) -> any
fun shuffle(list: Iterable) -> Iterable
external class Math {
static const e: num = 2.718281828459045
static const pi: num = 3.1415926535897932
/// Convert [radians] to degrees.
static fun degrees(radians)
/// Convert [degrees] to radians.
static fun radians(degrees)
static fun radiusToSigma(radius: float) -> float
// Box–Muller transform for generating normally distributed random numbers between [min : max].
static fun gaussianNoise(mean: float, standardDeviation: float, {min: float, max: float, randomGenerator}) -> float
// Noise generation function provided by [fast_noise](https://pub.dev/packages/fast_noise) package.
// Noise types: perlin, perlinFractal, cubic, cubicFractal
static fun noise2d(size, {seed, noiseType = 'cubic', frequency = 0.01})
static fun min(a, b)
static fun max(a, b)
static fun sqrt(x: num) -> num
static fun pow(x: num, exponent: num) -> num
static fun sin(x: num) -> num
static fun cos(x: num) -> num
static fun tan(x: num) -> num
static fun exp(x: num) -> num
static fun log(x: num) -> num
static fun parseInt(source: str, {radix: int?}) -> num
static fun parseDouble(source: str) -> num
static fun sum(list: List<num>) -> num
static fun checkBit(index: int, check: int) -> bool
static fun bitLS(x: int, distance: int) -> bool
static fun bitRS(x: int, distance: int) -> bool
static fun bitAnd(x: int, y: int) -> bool
static fun bitOr(x: int, y: int) -> bool
static fun bitNot(x: int) -> bool
static fun bitXor(x: int, y: int) -> bool
Some utility method about hash & crypto are defined in the static class Hash.
external class Hash {
static fun uid4([repeat: int?]) -> str
static fun crcString(data: str, [crc: str = 0]) -> str
static fun crcInt(data: str, [crc: str = 0]) -> int