Syntax and operators
Spread syntax
You can use spread syntax ('...') in three places:
Function call argument
In function call's arguments. This means to 'spread' the list object here to fill in the positional argument list.
fun someFunc(a, b) {
print(a + b)
var list = [5, 6]
someFunc(...list) // same to 'someFunc(5, 6)'
List literal
In list literal's value list, This means to 'spread' the list object here to fill in the items.
var list = [5, 6];
var ht = [1, 2, ...[3, 4], ...list]; // same to [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
Struct literal
In struct literal's value list, This means to 'spread' the struct object here to fill in the field.
var name = {
familyName: 'Hord',
firstName: 'Luk',
var job = 'wood cutter';
var person = {,
age: 23,
// same to:
// {
// familyName: 'Hord',
// firstName: 'Luk',
// age: 23,
// job: 'wood cutter'
// }
Null check syntax
The script is not planning to introduce null safety. However, there are some syntax to help do null check:
var a // a is null
// Nullable member get:
final value = a?.value // value is null and we won't get errors
final result = a?() // nullabla function call
// If null then get another value
final text = a ?? 'hi!' // text is 'hi!'
// If null then assign
a ??= 42
print(a) // a is 42 now
The nullable check will pass to next unary postfix operator like a chain:
var a // a is null
final value = a?.collection[0].value() // value is null and we won't get errors
new is a explicit way to call a constructor. Its difference from normal function call is that you can omit the brackets if there's none arguments.
struct P {
var name = 'Jimmy'
final p = new P
Operator precedence
Operators in Hetu is a subset of Dart:
Description | Operator | Associativity | Precedence |
Unary postfix | e., e?., e++, e--, e1[e2], e() | None | 16 |
Unary prefix | -e, !e, ++e, --e, await e | None | 15 |
Multiplicative | *, /, ~/, % | Left | 14 |
Additive | +, | Left | 13 |
Relational | <, >, <=, >=, as, is, is!, in, in! | None | 8 |
Equality | ==, != | None | 7 |
Logical AND | && | Left | 6 |
Logical Or | || | Left | 5 |
If null | ?? | Left | 4 |
Conditional | e1 ? e2 : e3 | Right | 3 |
Assignment | =, *=, /=, ~/=, +=, -=, ??= | Right | 1 |